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Behavioral health services

Behavioral health services are a type of mental health care. They involve helping people to manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Behavioral health services can include counseling, therapy, and medication management. They may also include other services, such as case management and support groups. Behavioral health services are provided by mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and counselors. These professionals work with people of all ages, from children to adults. They help people to understand their emotions and behaviors and to find ways to manage them. Behavioral health services can make a big difference in people’s lives. They can help people to feel better about themselves, to cope with difficult situations, and to make positive changes in their lives.

Job Training

After spending years in prison, many ex-offenders have a hard time finding work. Employers are often reluctant to hire them, and they often lack the skills and experience needed to compete for jobs. As a result, many ex-offenders end up back in prison within a few years of their release. One way to help reduce this recidivism rate is to provide job training after prison. By giving ex-offenders the skills they need to find employment, we can help them reintegrate into society and give them a chance at a better life. Job training programs can be expensive, but the long-term benefits make them a worthwhile investment. Not only will we see fewer people returning to prison, but we’ll also see an increase in productivity and a decrease in crime. Job training after prison is a smart investment that will pay dividends for years to come.

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Group Therapy

The experience of being in prison can be a very isolating one. Inmates are often cut off from the outside world, with limited contact with family and friends. As a result, they can feel disconnected from the people and things that once mattered to them. Prisoners who participated in group therapy reported feeling more connected to others and better able to cope with the stressors of prison life. In addition, group therapy can provide an opportunity for prisoners to share their experiences and offer support to one another. After being released from prison, participants in group therapy were less likely to re-offend, indicating that this type of intervention can be effective in helping former prisoners reintegrate into society.

Peer Support

After someone is released from prison, the challenges of adapting to life outside can be overwhelming. There are often few resources available to help with the transition, and many ex-prisoners struggle to find steady work or housing. This can lead to a feeling of isolation and despair, and it increases the risk of recidivism. One way to help ex-prisoners adjust to life outside is through peer support programs. These programs pair newly released prisoners with volunteers who have experience navigating life after prison. The volunteers provide guidance and assistance with practical matters, such as finding a job or housing. They also offer emotional support, helping ex-prisoners to cope with the challenges of reentering society. Peer support programs have been shown to reduce recidivism rates and improve overall outcomes for ex-prisoners. As such, they represent an important tool in the efforts to reduce mass incarceration.

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Transitional Housing

The House of Mary believes that access to safe, secure, and affordable housing is key to women’s ability to successfully transition from jail or prison. The House of Mary is committed to providing a safe, secure and  violence-free and drug-free environment where our customers can adjust and reenter society and thrive.

​We provide supervised, apartment-style transitional housing for our customers in East St. Louis, IL with future development here in Illinois and Texas.